Becoming a Governor

There are four main types of Governor at St Aloysius’ College: Foundation, Parent, Staff and Local Authority.

Becoming a Foundation Governor

The majority of governors in St Aloysius’ College are Foundation Governors, appointed by Diocese of Westminster.

More information can be found on the Diocese' Education Service website or by contacting Emma Connolly via

Becoming a Parent Governor

When vacancies arise, parents of pupils attending the school may elect one or more of their number to serve as a school governor. Elected parent governors, like elected staff governors, are full members of the governing body.

More information can be found by contacting the school office via

Becoming a Staff Governor

When vacancies arise, staff members may nominate and elect themselves or other staff members to serve as a school governor. Elected staff governors, like elected parent governors, are full members of the governing body.

More information can be found by contacting Emma Connolly via email.

For information on the role of a Governor please view the NGA Governor information.