Statutory Information
This page offers direct links to all statutory information. Please contact the school’s main reception via email or in person to request a paper copy of our policies or any other information featured on our website.
St Aloysius Co-Educational Consultation
School Contact Details
St Aloysius' College
Hornsey Lane
N6 5LY
General queries from parents and the public can be addressed to our Office Manager, Ms Lorna Jones.
SENCO: Miss Beata Jastrzab -
Telephone: 020 7561 7800
Report a pupil absence: 1
Staff absence: 215
Admissions: 224
Sixth Form Block: 256
Fax: 0207 263 5963
Ofsted Report
Please click here to view our latest Ofsted report.
Exam and Assessment Results
Behaviour Policy
To view our Behaviour Policy please click here.
Complaints Procedure
To view our school Complaints Procedure please click here.
Pupil Premium
To view information on Pupil Premium please click here.
Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up Premium
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-Up Premium
To view information on our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Catch-Up Premium please click here.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information
Our SEN Coordinator is Miss M Braja -
To view our full SEN information including policy and report please click here.
Careers Programme Information
Information for Years 7-11 can be found here.
University, post-18 and careers information for Sixth Formers can be found here.
Career's Lead |
Mr E Galgey |
Careers Advisor |
Mr Jonathan Howard |
| |
Phone |
0207 561 7800 |
Office |
Sixth form Building |
To ensure we are implementing successful careers programmes and driving aspirations at St Aloysius' College, we use a variety of methods to measure and assess the impact of our efforts, including:
- Our pupil survey - the student voice
- Work experience evaluations for both Yea 10 and Year 12 placements
- Monitoring of KS4 and KS5 destinations
- Feedback surveys for events
Our Careers Information and Careers Programme are reviewed annually.
Equality Objectives
Public Sector Equality Duty
1 Introduction
1.1 This document describes how the Governing Body of St Aloysius’ College intends to fulfill its responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty with regard to its students and workforce.
1.2 We will have due regard to the need to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010; Advance equality of opportunity between people who have a protected characteristic and people who do not have it; and Foster good relations between people who have a protected characteristic and those who do not have it.
Protected characteristics include:
Gender Reassignment
Marriage and Civil partnership
Pregnancy and Maternity
Race (ethnicity)
Religion and Belief
Sex (gender)
Sexual Orientation
1.3 We will collect and use equality information to help us to:
Identify key issues;
Understand the impact of our policies, practices and decisions on people with different protected characteristics, Assess whether we are discriminating unlawfully when carrying out any of our functions;
Identify what the key equality issues are for our organisation.
1.4 The governors and senior management team will:
Consider taking steps to meet the needs of staff who have relevant protected characteristics;
Identify if there are any actions we can take to avoid discrimination and harassment, advance equality of opportunity or foster good relations;
Make informed decisions about policies and practices which are based on evidence about the impact of our activities on equality;
Review our equality objectives to meet the specific duties;
Review on a regular basis our equal opportunities policy, our special education needs and disability policy and our accessibility plan;
Have due regard to the aims of the general equality duty by ensuring that staff have appropriate information for decision-making.
2. Publication of Equality Information/Equality Objectives
2.1 In order to ensure that we are compliant:
The governors will profile on a regular basis the workforce of the school as to protected characteristics; Senior leaders in recruitment will have attended Safer Recruitment and Equality training;
We will ask staff during the induction process what adjustments are needed for us to make sure any disadvantages are addressed;
We will profile the gender pay gap and take steps to ensure we are not out of step with national trends.
2.2. Our Equality Objectives
To monitor and implement strategies to reduce sanctions where groups with a protected characteristic are over-represented;
To ensure staff have a better understanding of transgender issues, so that the school is better prepared to respond to emerging situations.
This statement should be read in conjunction with our Equal Opportunities Policy.
Click here to view our Equal Opportunities Policy
To view our Equality, Disability and Inclusion Policy and strategy please click here.
Governors' Information
To view information relating to our Governing Body and their duties please click here.
Charging and Remissions Policy
To view our Charging and Remission Policy please click here.
Values and Ethos
To explore our values, ethos and mission statement please see the About Us and Catholic Ethos pages of our website.
Financial Information
Employees with gross annual salary of £100,000 or over: None.