GCSE Results Day: Exceptional Achievements and Continued Success!
We are delighted to report continued outstanding GCSE success at the school. Students and staff have worked well together to overcome the challenges of GCSE preparation, especially this year, securing 27% grades 7-9 ,65% grades 5+, 84% grades 4+, 86% grades 4+ in Mathematics and 90% grades 4+ in English. Although it is difficult to compare with results from last year, these results are well above national average. Pupil progress continues on an upward trajectory with an overall progress score of 0.53.
Assistant Headteacher Ms Kisten, Chair of Governors Paul Lasok, and New Headteacher Ms Whyte celebrating outstanding GCSE results with students
We are very pleased that, building on our success last year that many of the centre assessed grades were moderated upwards as a result of external standardisation. We are delighted that our students have achieved very well and have been rewarded for their hard work and consistent effort over the last two years.
The following are some of our exceptional results at GCSE:
Deniz Guler | 11 grade 9 |
Mahmoud Nahari | 10 grade 9, 1 grade 8 |
Ray Chaiyapruk | 10 grade 9, 1 grade 7 |
Raphael Sule | 7 grade 9, 4 grade 8 |
We wish these and all of our students well in the next stage of their educational journey.
New Headteacher, Paula Whyte says, “It is very pleasing to see so many young people making the most of the excellent educational opportunities offered to them at St Aloysius College. I am delighted to join the College as Headteacher and I look forward to working with students, staff, parents and Governors to ensure continued success for all of our students. Everyone should be delighted. Well done!”
St Aloysius celebrates over 140 years of providing outstanding education and pastoral care for students in our community. Steeped in history, the college has produced many successful Aloysians that have gone on to achieve great things. The college continues to secure improved results year on year, which is a testament to the dedication and drive of the staff. Their continuous high expectations for our students ensures that our students are aspirational and resilient, always giving of their best. The college works in close partnership with our parents in supporting the education of our students and ensuring their success. These factors have been instrumental in the stronger outcomes achieved year on year.
The strong leadership team and continued commitment and dedication of the staff at the college has made it possible for 24% of A Level students to confirm places at Russell group universities, well above national expectation. Our students achieved exceptional results, above local and national outcomes, with 24% of grades A* - A, 54% A* - B, 92% A* - C and 100% A* - E.
The following students secured exceptional results at A Level: Oliver Langton achieved AAA and will study Television and Broadcasting at University of Portsmouth; Kai Appleby achieved ABB and will study Psychology and Biology at Newcastle University; Jacky Lee achieved A*AB and will study Animation at University of Hertfordshire, Zain Jivraj achieved AAA and will study Law at Warwick University, and Mariapaula who achieved ABC will study Business Management at Brunel University.
Exceptional results were also obtained on BTEC courses with an outstanding number of Distinctions (D) awarded, including; Dylan McGuigian who achieved D*DD and is undertaking a work placement in New York during Gap Year before degree in film industry; Menhaz Uddin achieved D*DD and will study Marketing at Queen Mary University; Guilherme Correia achieved DDD and will study Marketing at University of Essex; and Syed Hoque achieved DDD and will study Business Management and Accounting at Queen Mary University.