Yr 11 student receives two prestigious scholarship offers
An early Christmas present arrived for a student who takes inspiration from his family.
Massive congratulations to Christopher in Year 11: he managed to get not one, but two offers for a fully subsidised sixth form scholarship. 'I had to give it some real thought but in the end, I went for the one by Westminster School,' he says. Christopher is already familiar with the school, after attending their Platform Plus programme in Year 10. 'I kind of know Westminster and their academic culture and I'm curious to see where my learning ambitions will take me.' Christopher's brother proves a real source of motivation as 'he got all 9s in his GCSE which is inspiring.' What would Christopher say is the most important ingredient for academic success? 'You definitely need something that drives you and keeps you accountable to yourself,' he says, before returning to Mr Neville's history class (one of the subjects he plans to study, alongside maths, chemistry and economics).